Friday, February 26, 2010

If Abortion is Murder then why don't we act like it?

Lately, I have been perplexed with a Particular question. If abortion is murder why don't we act like it? This question is not really to people that are pro abortion, but more to people that are claiming to believe that abortion is murder.

I have met many of these good people who say they are pro life and, even say that abortion is murder and genocide and yet do nothing.

I often ask myself what would have happened had the Quakers, Fredrick Douglas, Abraham Lincoln William Wilberforce all had the same reaction to slavery. Think what would have happened had Deitrich Boenhoffer and Sophie Scholl had the same reaction during the Jewish Holocaust. What would have happened had Vernon Johns, Megar Evers, Rosa Parks and Dr Martin Luther King Jr all had the same reaction to to police brutality, white bathrooms, whites-only in the front of the bus and lynchings based on the color of somebody skin?

I would not want to know the results had they not acted! There is old quote that says "All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." Most of us love to say "rah rah" to that quote and claim that is where we stand. But our words are not backed by our actions.

So because of this, abortion has become a political election time football instead of the human rights issue that it is.

"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends," MLK, Jr.
Posted by Rolland Beireis from Sacramento Rock For Life Facebook Group

1 comment:

  1. so... good article, it is convincing. But tell me this, since you avoid the economic topic quite a bit. What is your perspective, your background career wise? What do you do for a living?
